2.55 实现show_bytes
2.56 试着用不同的值运行show_bytes
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| #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned char *byte_pointer;
void show_bytes(byte_pointer a, int len) { int i; for(i=0; i<len; i++) { printf("%.2x ", a[i]); } printf("\\n"); } int main() { int a = 123456789; printf("show int %d\\n", a); show_bytes((byte_pointer)&a, sizeof(a)); return 0; }
2.57 编写show_short, show_long, show_double
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| #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned char *byte_pointer;
void show_bytes(byte_pointer a, int len) { int i; for(i=0; i<len; i++) { printf("%.2x ", a[i]); } printf("\\n"); } void show_short(short s) { printf("the value of short %d is:", s); show_bytes((char *)&s, sizeof(short)); }
void show_long(long long l) { printf("the value of short %lld is:", l); show_bytes((char *)&l, sizeof(long long)); }
void show_double(double d) { printf("the value of short %lf is:", d); show_bytes((char *)&d, sizeof(double)); }
int main() { short a = 8; show_short(a); long b = 12345678; show_long(b); double c = 1234.5678; show_double(c); return 0; }
2.58 实现is_little_endian
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| #include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char *byte_pointer;
int is_little_endian() { int val = 0x00000001; byte_pointer valp = (byte_pointer)&val; int temp; temp = valp[0]; if (temp == 1) return 1; else return 0; }
int main() { int result = is_little_endian(); printf("is_little_endian: %d", result); return 1; }
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| #include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char *byte_pointer;
void show_bytes(byte_pointer a, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf("%.2x ", a[i]); } printf("\\n"); }
int main() { int x = 0x89ABCDEF; int y = 0x76543210; int z = (x & 0xFF) | (y & ~0xFF); show_bytes((byte_pointer)&z, sizeof(z)); return 1; }
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| #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h>
typedef unsigned char *char_point;
uint32_t replace_byte(uint32_t x, int i, unsigned char b) { if (i > 3 || i < 0) { return -1; }
char_point char_date_point = ((char_point)&x) + i;
*char_date_point = b;
printf("result : %X\\r\\n", x); return x; }
int main(void) { unsigned char replace_data = 0xAB;
uint32_t x = 0x12345678; uint32_t r_x = 0x12AB5678; int i_x = 2;
uint32_t y = x; uint32_t r_y = 0x123456AB; int i_y = 0;
printf("r_x == result : %d\\r\\n", r_x == replace_byte(x, i_x, replace_data)); printf("r_y == result : %d\\r\\n", r_y == replace_byte(y, i_y, replace_data));
return 1; }